Friday, April 2, 2010

Valid Reasons to Fight for Borneo Rights in UK Parliament

Recently, Sabahan politician, Daniel John Jambun took Sabah's grouses to the parliament of the United Kingdom. And then Sarawak's Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Alfred Jabu rubbished Jambun and his entourage as nobodies.

First of all, many Malaysians would ask what is the point of taking Sabah's grouses to the UK parliament?

Many especially the younger generation might not be aware that the Malaysia Agreement of 1963 which was ratified by the states of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and the UK is an international treaty between five nations.

And the Malaysia Agreement was passed as the Malaysia Act in the UK parliament. Therefore it is only natural that Daniel John Jambun takes Sabah's grouses to the UK parliament.

Secondly, many Malaysians would also say that according to the Malaysia Agreement a member state cannot pull out of the Federation. But please note that many provisions in the Malaysia Agreement have been violated. So, surely to argue against Sabah and Sarawak's separation by using the Malaysia Agreement is futile.

Thirdly, please note that the expulsion of Singapore in 1965 by itself has made the Malaysia Agreement invalid as the agreement requires Singapore to be part of the Federation.

As for those who might argue that the constitutional amendments made in 1973 had made some of the provisions in the Malaysia Agreement irrelevant, please also remember the nature in which the opposition were silenced in the 1970s.

There were definitely strong-arm tactics used in the amendments of 1973 in which many important provisions for Sabah were revoked. That was a dark period for many Sabahans as the then Chief Minister Tun Datu Mustapha Datu Harun ruled as dictator.

Finally, as for Tan Sri Alfred Jabu's statement that those who took Sabah and Sarawak's grouses to the UK parliament are nobodies, please note that not all somebodies were born somebodies. Many were born nobodies. It was indeed an extremely arrogant comment coming from Jabu.


Anonymous said...

Read this...

...and how Brunei prevents the recolonisation from British colony into Malaya colony...

Anonymous said...

Something happen in UK, and Borneo might not aware of these information.,_2014

.....and histroy back track.

So, referendum is the powerful way to come out of the Malaya colonisation.