Monday, June 7, 2010

Huguan Siou Now a Tan Sri

It is indeed heartening that the Honourable Huguan Siou, Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Pairin Kitingan has been bestowed with the title Tan Sri by the king of Malaysia in conjunction with the latter's official birthday.

The Huguan Siou who is the paramount leader of the Kadazandusun community in Sabah is now Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan. Tan Sri is the second most senior title conferred upon by the Federal king after Tun. The former Huguan Siou, the late Donald Stephens died as a Tun. It is hoped that the current Huguan Siou too would get his Tun in the near future.

Anyway, the awarding of Tan Sri to the Huguan Siou is a great recognition to the Kadazandusun people in Sabah. It is hoped that with this title, the Huguan Siou would continue to fight for the rights of the Kadazandusun people.


UrbanChicks said...

Congratulation! more development in future. I hope by upgrading to Tan Sri, there will be changes and it is conformity with peoples wills.

Hamdan Hadillah said...

Congratulation to tan sri..hope u can fight for the rights of the Kadazandusun people but not only for kadazandusun, don't forget to all sabahan people right to.

jack said...

hope there will be more to receive the Tan Sri title among sabahan..hopefully the Huguan Siou, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin kitingan will continue support and fight for sabahan rights..congratulation Tan Sri!

villager said...

yup, congratulation.. and hopefully in the future there are a lot of improvement in Sabah.

aku bah said...

Bah taniah. Harap title ni akan membakar semangat beliau utk terus memperjuang/menjaga kebajikan kita (sabahan).

Paquin said...

Sabahan jugalah yang paling hebat :)
Waa, bangga oo orang kita dapat gelaran tu. Harap2 lepas ni lagi ramai sabahan akan berpeluang dapat gelaran sebegini.

Day-break said...

COngratulation to Pairin on as he is now known as Tan Sri Pairin. :)

Chalice said...

Bah, ngam..Saya harap ramai yang akan sokong Tan Sri mulai sekarang. Hidup Tan Sri..Hidup Huguan Siou!

Anonymous said...

hmm i hope now he will do more for the people..anyway congrats for the title
seventh son

Anonymous said...

Dulu, datuk Seri Joseph Pairin adlah kebangaan saya kerana beliau sentiasa COOL dlm arena politik sabah. Sekarang, dia dapat TUN ka, YANG DI PERTUAN AGUNG ka, chiuchibai la dia. Hugon Talau adalah.

Anonymous said...

Bagus suruh si peirein (Pairin) makan taik UMNO. dia sudah lupa ka kudita 1994. betapa hancur hati rakyat sabah termaksuk saya ketika si ayamkarandandai tandang dia. skrg, dia thu lagak cool ikut BN spaya kasi kekal kuasa kduz kunu. tiau la......

Lohing Huguon Siou-Gaman

namesake said...

He deserve the recognition..this is also a recognition the the KDM people as a whole...