Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sulu Sultan Should Go Back To Sulu

The recent istallation of a state UMNO (United Malays National Organization) member as the Sultan of Sulu is a downright insult to the sovereignity of Sabah. Sabah was colonised by the Sulu Sultanate for hundreds of years.

When the North Borneo Chartered Company took over Sabah, they sort of "liberated" Sabah from both the Brunei and Sulu Sultananates though the company owned Sabah. In 1963, Sabahans became truly independent when it was declared as such on August 31st, though Sabah would be part of a Federation two weeks later.

So, by having this character installed as a Sulu Sultan on Sabahan soil is a grave insult to us. If he is so interested in in his crown, then he should have stayed in Sulu and give up his Malaysian citizenship.

The fact that this individual can still be an UMNO member and can even hold a post in a prominent Islamic missionary organization shows the sad state of affairs in Sabah.

We should never forget the deeds of our past leaders like Tomanggung Koratud and the rest who fought pirates, some of whom fought in the name of the Sulu Sultanate. The Sulu Sultanate is gone, and it should stay that way, at least in Sabah.


Anonymous said...

Mau jadi sultan sabah bah dia ni..

Anonymous said...

itulah mashi tingal di zaman idealogy Maharajah atau Kolonisasi... tak tau maksud demokrasi atau kerajaan rakyat.

Anonymous said...

Since Sabah had became independence on August 31, 1963, in favor of the people in Sabah, why on earth the Philippines still wants to claim back this once independence country and becomes a colony of Philippines ?